"*" indicates required fields Step 1 of 5 20% Name and Surname* Name Surname Email* In which country will your mill be located?*AngolaBotswanaDemocratic Republic of CongoeSwatiniGhanaKenyaLesothoMalawiMozambiqueNamibiaSouth AfricaTanzaniaUgandaZambiaZimbabweEach country is different in regards to the maize meal they prefer and the cost of business.Personal information consent*In order to provide you with the content requested, we need to store and process your personal data. If you consent to us storing your personal data for this purpose, please tick the checkbox below. You can unsubscribe from these communications at any time. For more information on how to unsubscribe, our privacy practices, and how we are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy, please review our Privacy Policy. I agree to allow Roff Industries Pty Ltd. to store and process my personal data. Terms of Usage*I understand that the information supplied by this product/feature/service/tool is an indicator only, and although we aim to provide an accurate result, Roff Industries Pty Ltd. cannot guarantee it’s accuracy and will not be held liable for any loss incurred by the user of it. Any equipment prices on this form are only an indicator and subject to change and not a formal offer/quote/proposal. Please contact us for a formal offer. I agree to the Terms of Usage Hiddenhidden_item_shipping_per_meter_cost2 Step 1 – Milling Capacity and Main InputsHow many tonnes maize milling capacity do you need per month?* 540 1450 2700 HiddenHow much maize do you want to mill per month in ton?*HiddenChoose one of these models that will be suitable for your market*Please fill out other fields.Possible Net Profit Per Year (ZAR)If your net profit is negative, try increasing your milling capacity. The extraction rate, cost of maize, sales price of maize meal and bran have the biggest effect on profitability.Hiddenhidden_image_url Hiddentest-platform-selected HiddenMill and Capacity Hiddentest-mill-selected What is the sales price of maize meal per ton? (ZAR)*What is the cost of maize per ton? (ZAR)*What is the sales price of bran per ton? (ZAR)*HiddenMill Max Capacity Per HourExtraction Rate %This % is the suggested rate for your country. If you don’t know, leave it as suggested.How many days per month will you mill?HiddenHours per monthHours milling per month to complete production for production daysMilling hours per dayHow many hours do you need to mill per day to complete production Step 2: Financing / FundingPossible Net Profit Per Year (ZAR)If your net profit is negative, try increasing your milling capacity. The extraction rate, cost of maize, sales price of maize meal and bran have the biggest effect on profitability.Will you finance this mill? Yes No Interest Rate %Hiddenhidden_item_sales_price_wo_shippingHiddenhidden_shipping_meters_for_equipmentMilling Equipment Capital Required (ZAR)Other Capital Required (ZAR)Vehicles, civils, computer etc.Maize Stock On Hand (ZAR)Estimated Value of maize in stock that you will keep in stockMaize Debtors Value (ZAR)Estimated Value of Maize Debtors Step 3: Fixed Expenses Per MonthPossible Net Profit Per Year (ZAR)If your net profit is negative, try increasing your milling capacity. The extraction rate, cost of maize, sales price of maize meal and bran have the biggest effect on profitability.Maize Meal Bag Size in kgWhat size bag will be used for the bulk of your maize meal?Cost per empty bag for packing maize meal (ZAR)Cost of electricity (Kilowatt per hour) (ZAR)Power Consumption in kilowatt Calculated for the mill onlyCost of maintenance per tonne (ZAR)What is the cost of maintenance per tonne? Cost of vitamins per tonne (ZAR)Vitamins per ton of maize meal? Insurance (ZAR)What provision do you make for insurance per month?Marketing (ZAR)What would you spend on marketing per month? Rent (ZAR)What is the rent per month of your building? Telephone and postage (ZAR)What is your telephone bill per month? Water and property tax (ZAR)What is your water and property tax bill per month? Stationary (ZAR)What is your stationary bill per month? Possible Net Profit Per Year (ZAR)If your net profit is negative, try increasing your milling capacity. The extraction rate, cost of maize, sales price of maize meal and bran have the biggest effect on profitability.Step 4: Salaries per MonthMill Manager (ZAR)What is the salary of your Mill manager per month? Sales Rep (ZAR)What is the salary of your Sales Representative per month including commission? Financial Clerk (ZAR)What is the salary of a financial clerk?Unskilled Worker (ZAR)What is the salary of an unskilled person? How many unskilled workers per shift?Total Unskilled workers per monthCalculated: Workers per mill * Shifts (8 hours)HiddenCalculationsHiddenTotal maize processed per year in tonneTotal quantity of maize processed per yearHiddenTotal Maize Meal produced per year in tonneThe total quantity of maize meal processed per yearHiddenhidden – Income – Maize Meal p/jSelling final product per yearHiddenTotal Bran produced per year in tonneTotal quantity of Bran/Germ processed per yearHiddenhidden – income – Bran p/jSelling final product per yearHiddenPackaging: Total 10kg bags per yearNumber of bags per year to pack maize mealHiddenExpenses per YearHiddenInterest on machinery (If financed)HiddenInterest on other capital (If financed)HiddenInterest on Maize stock (If financed)HiddenInterest on Debtors (If financed)HiddenTotal Electricity cost per yearHiddenTotal Maintenance cost per yearHiddenTotal Advertising and printing cost per yearHiddenTotal Rent per yearHiddenTotal Telephone and postage cost per yearHiddenTotal Water and Tax cost per yearHiddenTotal Vitamin cost per yearHiddenTotal Salary cost per yearHiddenTotal Insurance cost per yearHiddenTotal Stationary cost per yearHiddenTotal Bank charges per yearHiddenTotal Expenses per yearHiddenProjected Income for a Milling operation per yearHiddenIncome – Maize Meal per yearSelling final product per yearHiddenIncome – Bran per yearSelling final product per yearHiddenTurnover Per Year – Total IncomeHiddenCost of Sales – Total Packaging cost per yearHiddenCost of Sales – Total Maize purchased per yearPurchase total of maize per yearHiddenTotal Cost of Sales per YearHiddenGross Profit per yearIncome less cost of salesHiddenTotal expenses per yearHiddenNet Profit per yearPossible NET profit per yearHiddenNet Profit per MonthPossible NET profit per MonthHiddenhidden_net_profit_per_yearHiddenhidden_mill_name